Tuesday, December 30, 2008

1.Have you ever taken a shower with another person?
-no,should i???
2. Who ended your last relationship?
-no one,
3. When was the last time you got in trouble with the law?
- never
4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
- eating
5. Do you have feelings for anyone?
- yes,lama dah!
6. Do you have any famous ancestors?
- nop
7. Have you ever burped in front of the opposite sex??
- nop
8. Do you know all the words to the song on your myspace song?
- myspace,mcm lah ku ada
10. Tell me something I don't know.
- u suck's,ahaha jgn marah
11. Have you ever kissed in the rain?
- nop.i want to.boooo
12. What's the most expensive thing you own?
- golf set.
13. When was the last time you showered?
- tdi pagi
14. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?
- nop,what for???
15. What was the last movie you watched?
- bed time story,aha
16. What is the temperature right now?
- 16 i think
17.Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
- nop
18. How many brothers/sisters do you have?
- 4b,4s
19. Do you have a secret crush?
- no.
20. Do you keep in touch with your exes?
- nop,
21. Do you dislike anyone right now?
- nop
22. Something you are excited about?
- I don't know.
23. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive.
- nop.
24. When was the last time you spoke in front of a large group?
- I don't know.
25. What kind of weather do you like?
- hot
26. What are the songs/movies that reminds you of an ex?
- i dont have ex .
27. Can you tie a cherry stem with your tongue?
- no.
28. Do you go to church?
- No.
29. What did you eat yesterday?
- nasi goreng mah!
3o. Who was your first best friend?
- adib,oh i miss him
31. Whats your least favourite class?
- maths
32. Who was the last person you ditched class with?
- no one
33. Have you ever snuck out of your house?
- Yes.yes last year
34. Whats the last compliment you received and when was it?
- i can't remember.
35. Do moochers annoy you?
- No
36. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
- nop
37. Whats your favorite show?
- too many mah
38. Which friend lives the closest to you?
- harry
39. Are you on any medications?
- nop
40. Whats your favorite thing to do?
- playing golf
41. Do you regret dating someone?
- nop
42. What are you doing tonight?
- sleep
43. When did you stop believing in Santa Claus?
- santa claus???im muslim dude
44. What annoys you?
- bunyi bising
45. Do you have anything bad hidden in you room?
46. What makes you happy?
- my dad,mom
47. Do you like your life?
- yes

Sunday, December 21, 2008

tdi kami 4 adi beradi main golf d rba,aku,ebeh,haziq and c afiq!!c afiq hang mainan nya tapi nya meneluru,asal kan mengambat ketawa2 ia,nada cali pun kan ketawa,mcm urng panat usul nya,ahaha,dapan kami durang c haris,qawim,adi qawim and anak ckgu!!ahaha nasib jua ku nda main sama anak ckgu kalau nda eh bemara eh makin tia beibun ahaha
patang nya aku vs babah pitching d siring umah ahaha kalah babah ulih ku!!10-7!handal eh!!ahaha,and aku ckp if aku manang aku bulih liat liverpool lawan arsenal pat kadai and ia ckp on eh!!ahha banar2 jua ku dah 2!!! a2 video c ajik my adik!!,and mudahan tah arsenal manang mlm ani vs liverpool!!amin~ehehe

Friday, December 19, 2008

Daripada Abdul Rahman Bin Samurah r.a berkata, Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam bersabda:
" Sesungguhnya aku telah  mengalami mimpi-mimpi yang menakjubkan pada malam sebelum aku di Israqkan... "
1. Aku telah melihat seorang dari umatku telah didatangi oleh Malaikat maut dengan keadaan yang amat menggerunkan untuk mengambil nyawanya, maka malaikat itu terhalang perbuatannya itu disebabkan oleh KETAATAN DAN KEPATUHANNYA KEPADA KEDUA IBUBAPANYA.
2. Aku melihat seorang dari umatku telah disediakan azab kubur yang amat menyiksakan, diselamatkan oleh berkat WUDHUNYA YANG SEMPURNA.
3. Aku melihat seorang oleh umatku telah dikerumuni oleh syaitan-syaitan dan iblis-iblis laknatulllah, maka ia diselamatakan dengan berkat ZIKIRNYA YANG TULUS IKHLAS kepada Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.
4. Aku melihat bagaimana umatku diseret dengan rantai yang diperbuat daripada api neraka jahanam yang dimasukkan dari mulut dan dikeluarkan rantai tersebut di duburnya oleh Malaikat Ahzab, tetapi SOLATNYA YANG KHUSYUK DAN TIDAK MENUNJUK-NUNJUK telah melepaskannya dari seksaan itu.
5. Aku melihat umatku ditimpa oleh dahaga yang amat berat, setiap kali dia mendatangi satu telaga di halang dari meminumnya, ketika itu datanglah pahalaPUASANYA YANG IKHLAS KEPADA ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALAmemberi minum hingga ia merasa puas.
6. Aku melihat umatku cuba untuk mendekati kumpulan para nabi yang sedang duduk berkumpulan-kumpulan, setiap kali dia datang dia akan diusir, maka menjelmalahMANDI JUNUB DENGAN RUKUN YANG SEMPURNANYA sambil ke kumpulanku seraya duduk disebelahku.
7. Aku melihat seorang dari umatku berada di dalam keadaan gelap- gelita disekelilingnya, sedangkan dia sendiri di dalam keadaan binggung, maka datanglah pahala HAJI DAN UMRAHNYA YANG IKHLAS KEPADA ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALA, lalu mengeluarkannya dari kegelapan kepada tempat yang terang benderang.
8. Aku melihat umatku cuba berbicara dengan golongan orang mukmin, tetapi mereka tidakpun membalas bicaranya, maka menjelmalah SIFAT SILATURRAHIMNYA DAN TIDAK SUKA BERMUSUH-MUSUHAN SESAMA UMATKU lalu menyeru kepada mereka agar menyambut bicaranya, lalu berbicara mereka dengannya.
9. Aku melihat umatku sedang menepis-nepis percikan api ke mukanya, maka segeralah menjelma pahala SEDEKAHNYA YANG IKHLAS KERANA ALLAH SUBHANAHU WA TA'ALA, lalu menabir muka dan kepalanya dari bahaya api tersebut.
Bersabda Rasulullah Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam:
"Sampaikanlah pesananku kepada umatku yang lain walaupun dengan sepotong ayat"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

man aku malas kan posting2 ani msa ani baa!!huhuhu kmu liat ja gmbr okey!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

main GOLF tdi

wah man tdi c apik bawa keta(golf).ia ani sbnr nya nda plg pandai bawa tpi ckgu kadir pajal ia supaya belajar driveing!!ehehehe tapi malang nya tdi telangar bungga abis bah bunga lawa2 d rba a2 d langar nya!!ehehe,so tdi dengan ku main c azim(anak ckgu kadir),afiq(adik ku),babah,and aku!!!ehehe,siuk lah tpi anak ckgu ani gauk baa 18holnda pandai diam2nya becakap ja 5 jam!!!nada pandai lalah becakap eh,sama mcm bapa nya!2x5!ahahaha,

nda lgi te usai baa beg ku ah ahaha

banyak plg msh gmbr nya tpi mls baa kan kuar kan!!ehehe esk inshallah start trining

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

1. Define yourself.
-good boy,lazy and happy

2. Whats the last thing you bought?

3. Have you ever cheated on your girlfriend(s)?
-i have no girlfriend dude

4. How many percent do you think you're beautiful/handsome?
40% i think

5. Whats your ideal type of guy/girl?
-cute,pandai baca quran,betudong!

6. Whats your favourite brand?
-tylor made

7. If you are given chance to change your physical, which part of body would you change?
-what??im good 2 be my self

8. You wish your name was...
-Datuk major jeneral kopral Md Hamiz Waqiyuddin

9. If you have millions and millions of cash right now, what will you do with it?
-i'll give the rest to my dad lat him handel that money

10. Whats your favourite dream?
-I dont know

5 wishes.
-hope my famiy live in harmony
-pandai mengurat bini2
-to be a pro golfers
-to be lovers


ehehe so siuk today!1st bangun ku tdo taus chck fs and edit this blog,den dlm 11 or 12o'clock c kaka bawa aku mkn dim sam!wuuu nyaman yoo kami 3 urng mkn ja aku,aziz and kaka!!ehehe,ia tah kami bali 10 jenis dim sum den nda abis buang usin ja!ahahaha,wat tu do c kaka kaya!ehe this is my pix bila abis mandi

ani tym abis dah nee makan dim sum ke umah dah ku nee,
tym lam keta otw ke gadong
after shower,

so msa blik umah notting much aku buat,duduk2 liat bula minum budi(banar-banar)ehehehe,so tym kaka patin balik ia ada ckp pat my dad minta izin ke mol!so my dad nda suruh den d pajal nya 'boleh laa bah~'so babah buat deal lah if kan jln bawa aku and c ebeh jalan sal kesian bah muka kami d umah ja beparam a2!if kami nda mau nda tah ia dpt jln 2!!ahaha so aku and ebeh pun setuju,tapi yg boring nya kami nee nda jua liat wayang d mol ah jln2 jua ganya!!aku ada nmpk urng2 berakas tdi!ramai yoooooooooo!ehehe ani gambr kami jln2 tdi
makanan yg aku order
durang 2(kaka patin and ebeh)
c kaka patin
buat2 menunggu buat bodoh lah lu

Monday, November 24, 2008

1. What do you want most for the time being?
to meet my dad and my grand's

2. What is your most favourite thing to do?
-playing golf

3. Do you have a gf/bf?

4. Who inspires you?
all my adik and kaka

5. Tell me something I don't know about your family background.
we live in harmony

6. What would u do if today is the last day that you would live this current life of yours because tomorrow you are going to live a totally different life?
i dont know

7. What are you afraid to lose the most?
my family

8. What do you feel like doing, right now?
spend my tym with my familyt.

9. If you can get out of your current life circumstance, would you?
-depends la

10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.
-a good listener

11. What are the requirements that you wish from your other half?
to live in harmony,and aman

12. What's your favourite dessert(s)?
I dont eat dessert

13. What is your ambition?
I dont know

14. Describe your life in one word.

15. If you had a choice to be rich or happy, which one would you pick?
mby both,

16. If you have a chance, where would you like to further your study with scholarships?
in london

17. Who is the person/people that you can share all your problems with?
my brother or my father.

18. How do you see yourself in 10 years time?
i dont know,im not ready for that

19. Do you think you'll be able to see the day your parents die?
i hope not dude,i love my parents

20. What do you think of this question?
all okey expt number 19!!!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

good morning

hey good morning semua~ehehe its moday the 24th today!!ehehe so im so bored now,nada kan d buat,liat bula minum budi!ehehe okey at 1st mcm bisa lah im wake up awal about 7o'clock den men pc buang boring~ehehe mandi,den makan,lapas a2 mcm biasa lah men game(football),

den abis men game,aku ambil pix den buat muka hodoh2,ehehe
bau masam ko ani eh,
thanks ah kaka patin edit kan u r my best SISter!!ehehe

so this night my adik abd aziz aku bwa ia liat ceta KALINg den muka nya so-so bangang,he said 'cakap apakan ia a2?abang paham kah ia?'aku ckp 'yeah it's my second language!!! hahaa'so dengan rela hati nya join tah jua ia liat ceta kaling uh!!!durang c ebeh and eding belawan congkak!!ehehehe,

muka c aziz bila liat ceta kaling

ho bye!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

okey now 7.41 pagi and aku nda tau apa kan ku buat ehehe.so ada sorang bini2 ani wah aku jumpa ia pat fs den tym 2 aku view ia ja,dlm keEsok kan hari nya ada tia ia meng add!!!ku ckp thanks for the add pat nya, mlm nya ku chk fs ku ada ia balas,mental ia ckp nya capa view c apa dulu ne???(ckp eng lah tym a2),den ku balas 'me' ada ia ckp lagi,'and i should ask WHO ARE YOU? :) and where did you gt my profile?'kurang ajar ba anak ani kalau nda kan mo jdi kawan jgn d add aku ah!!!mental jua ku ne d sini ja pat ku luah kah ba!!su*ks eh,palat bah ani ku balas lagi ku buat nama ku ja biar ia mental!!!ahahaha palat ah anak a2!!!bagi makan sira biar ia!!ehehe

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Emmanuel Adebayor was the hat-trick hero this time as Theo Walcott returned to club duty in a comfortable victory for Arsenal.

The 19-year-old returned to the side after his superb treble for England and set up the opening goal for Robin van Persie in the eighth minute.

Walcott looked full of confidence following his demolition of Croatia and with a Champions League match against Dynamo Kiev to come on Wednesday, he played only 63 minutes.

He was given a rapturous reception by the visiting supporters and a few of the home ones as well.

It was Adebayor who carried the main threat in this match and he was in irrepressible form.

Arsenal stamped their mark on the match with a marvellous goal in the eighth minute and Walcott was at the heart of the move.

He cut inside and weaved his way past a couple of players before picking out van Persie in the penalty area. The Dutch international showed the deftest of touches to beat goalkeeper Paul Robinson with a shot into the corner.

Blackburn hit back and almost equalised two minutes later, only for Manuel Almunia to show superb reflexes and tip Roque Santa Cruz's effort over the top.

Arsenal were spraying the ball about well and van Persie came close to adding to his tally in the 29th minute. However he found the side-netting with his effort.

Blackburn were making a decent fist of it, however, and Emerton made space in the 33rd minute only for Almunia to block his effort.

Five minutes later Gael Clichy did well to head away an inswinging cross from Morten Gamst Pedersen.

Emerton then tried to pick out Santa Cruz, only for Kolo Toure to make a timely interception at the back post.

Arsenal responded immediately in the 41st minute but van Persie's left-foot effort was marginally off-target.

It was an open match and Pedersen whipped in a free-kick two minutes later that went wide of the post and Santa Cruz's header failed to trouble Almunia.

Arsenal added a second in stoppage-time and questions must be asked of the Blackburn defence.

Adebayor was left unmarked at the back post and took full advantage of the home side's carelessness by heading home for his first goal of the Barclays Premier League campaign.

The Arsenal fans were on their feet two minutes into the second half when Walcott skipped away from Ryan Nelsen and homed in on goal.

Warnock raced across to try to avert the danger but England's rising star still managed to sting Robinson's fingers with his effort.

Arsenal kept up the pressure and Toure found Walcott but his cross was headed wide by Adebayor.

Walcott then saw his shot spin off Nelsen for a corner following a flowing move that split open the defence

Blackburn found themselves on the back foot again with both Toure and Emmanuel Eboue coming close to extending their advantage.

Toure was left frustrated at failing to score with a header while Eboue's effort from distance was gathered safely by Robinson.

Arsenal made it 3-0 in the 81st minute when Warnock was adjudged to have blocked Eboue in the penalty area.

Adebayor remained to cool to score his second goal of the match from the spot and seal an emphatic victory.

And the Togo international completed his hat-trick in stoppage-time with a cool finish after a splendid through ball from substitute Jack Wilshere.

blackburn 0-4 arsenal, and happy birthday EMMA

the guy who score the goal is:
Robin van Persie
Emmanuel Adebayo
happy birthday EMMA,
let's party!!!!!ahahhaa

Sunday, September 7, 2008

this is my art,aku lukis neee kalau
mo liat full tungu2 ja!!ehehe ani
sedikit baru ne,
ani gmbr awal2 ku buat,
saja edit2 gmbr lama~

ani jua ni gambar lama!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008


"Down By The Lake"

Well you better get home cos your dad is awake
Said he saw you last nite making out by the lake
With a guy he hates
He doesnt look at me the same way that you do
Said i look pretty cute but i dont got the grades
Seen the star on my foot and the way i behave
We're better off when daddys outta town

O baby you got nothing to prove
But if we decide to go doesnt mean he's gotta know
O baby you got nothing to lose
And we're better off when daddys not around

Doesnt give his consent
so now we cant afford
The perfect wedding you want gotta do it abroad
In a place you adore so
i got us on a plane to Hawaii
Where the weather is nice
And where we are alone
None of daddy's advice
Followed us here from home
It'll be chilled when daddy's not around


Ican't be around him and i've tried
Itold him that i liked him but i lied
Find some way to make him change his mind
What can i do to be with you


"I'll Be OK"

When everything is going wrong
And things are just a little strange
It's been so long now
You've forgotten how to smile.
And overhead the skies are clear
But it still seems to rain on you,
And your only friends all have
Better things to do.

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way
Oh, just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK

Now things are only getting worse
And you need someone to take the blame
When your lover's gone
There's no-one to share the pain
Your sleeping with the TV on
And your lying in an empty bed
All the alcohol in the world
Could never help me to forget

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way,
Just try a little harder
Try your best to make it
Through the day,
Oh just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK

You're not alone (you're not alone)
You're not alone (you're not alone)
You're not alone

Just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK
Oh, just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK
Won't you tell yourself

When your down and lost
And you need a helping hand
When your down and lost
Along the way,
Try a little harder
Try your best to make it
Through the day

Oh, just tell yourself
Ah, I'll be OK
Ah, I'll be OK
Ah, I'll be OK

Saturday, July 26, 2008

fuck my seluar koyak asal pe!!!!!huhuhu

ehehehe,today suckx lah ,im so tired this morning!!!!extra clz pun boring tdi!!!ehehe,last night my grand jahit seluar pe ku wah. then tdi tym pe I played futsal my friend suruh jadi keeper!!!ia th telampau handal sangat kuyak tah!!!basar lgi 2!!!!!!!every pe wah kuyak ah seluar ah!!!
then balik skulh,ch8,makan,tdo!!!!tarus ku edit gmbr c raqib!!!!ehehehe

Sunday, July 20, 2008

hey,today I woek up awal ckit kul 6 labih!!then I went out side untuk ambil fresh air!!!after that about 20 to 30 min masuk ku blik ke rumah!!!ku liat pat kitchen nada kn ku makan sambung tdo ku~dlm kul 11 labih bngun ku then bila ku turun ja ke bawah,tarus ku bully c-jun(tashya),sakit bah ati aaa pat nya!!!ehehe,then shower time!!ehehehe,lalala~makan,men pc,on9!!!ehehe,patang I playing pingpong with my uncle!!!kalah ku 21-18!!!!ehehehe sasak ku eh!!!!den masa magrib semua my family mem bully c gembrot(tasya,thats what my unti call her!)*gembrot!!!!ehehehe,!!!!den tidur!!!!ehehehe!!!today ada lah fun2 a2 sikit!!!